The intellectual disabilities services at Cambria Residential Services adheres to the principle of normalization, designed to ensure that every person with this disability as well as his or her family, has a right to live a life that reflects what is typical for the general population. In keeping with this principle, Cambria Residential Services stresses the importance of culturally normative qualities in Individual Support Plans, life experiences and physical environments.
Cambria Residential Services looks to the future with a vision of community living that is safe, practical and rewarding. Cambria Residential Services makes every effort to subscribe to the philosophy of community inclusion. Programs are guided by the principle of least restrictive alternative which emphasizes that people should be served under conditions that maximize opportunities to live and learn in the community. The right to take “reasonable” risks is recognized as an essential component of the liberties enjoyed by all citizens.
Cambria Residential Services embraces and envisions person centered, family supported, values-based everyday lives for the individuals that receive services with them. These values are reflective of those outlined in the Office of Developmental Program’s “Everyday Lives”: choice, control, stability, health and safety, connected, responsibility, communication, success, employment/meaningful contribution, individuality, relationships, partnership, quality, advocacy, permanency, security, freedom, prosperity, individuality, relationships, recognition, and privacy.